Frontier Fighters
FRONTIER FIGHTERS was a syndicated series that ran sometime during
the 1930's. Each show dealt with some bit of history about the
early West and ran for approximately 15 minutes.
35/xx/xx 1 Rene Robert Cavelier de La Salle
35/xx/xx 2 Lewis and Clark
35/xx/xx 3 Zebulon Pike
35/xx/xx 4 John C. Fremont
35/xx/xx 5 Kit Carson
35/xx/xx 6 Jedediah Strong Smith
35/xx/xx 7 Marcus Whitman
35/xx/xx 8 John McLoughlin
35/xx/xx 9 The Donner Party
35/xx/xx 10 The Fall of the Alamo
35/xx/xx 11 Stephen W. Kearny
35/xx/xx 12 Brigham Young
35/xx/xx 13 Joseph Meek
35/xx/xx 14 Captain George E. Pickett
35/xx/xx 15 John Sutter and James W. Marshall
35/xx/xx 16 Buffalo Bill Cody
35/xx/xx 17 Pike's Peak Rush - Colorado Territory
35/xx/xx 18 Santa Fe Trail
35/xx/xx 19 James B. 'Wild Bill' Hickok
35/xx/xx 20 Reverend Thomas Starr King
35/xx/xx 21 Cochise and Captain Tom Jeffords
35/xx/xx 22 Grenville Dodge and Leland Stanford
35/xx/xx 23 Massacre at Taos, New Mexico
35/xx/xx 24 Custer's Last Stand at Little Big Horn
35/xx/xx 25 Stephen F. Austin
35/xx/xx 26 Oregon 54-40
35/xx/xx 27 Nevada and the Comstock Lode
35/xx/xx 28 John Phillips - Hero of Fort Phil Kearny
35/xx/xx 29 Oklahoma Land Rush
35/xx/xx 30 Oregon and the Pacific Republic
35/xx/xx 31 Annie D. Tallent
35/xx/xx 32 Ira Burton Perrine
35/xx/xx 33 Wells Fargo
35/xx/xx 34 Governor Anson P. K. Safford
35/xx/xx 35 Arthur A. Denny
35/xx/xx 36 Yellowstone Park
35/xx/xx 37 Eliza Ann Brooks
35/xx/xx 38 General N. A. Miles
35/xx/xx 39 Alaska