Historical Recordings

Over 5 hours Great for school show and tell (Also see "WWII Radio Recordings")

1934-11-16 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - Threat of Nazi Germany, the 1936-12-11 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - Abdication of the Monarchy 1938-03-11 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - Resignation of Austrian Chancellor Kurt Von Schuschnigg 1938-04-30 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - To the Royal Academy of Arts 1938-09-14 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - Offers to Meet Hitler 1938-09-27 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - On Czech Crisis 1938-09-28 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - Before Munich Conference 1938-09-30 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - Just After Munich Conference 1938-09-30 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - On His Return From Munich 1938-10-16 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - We Must Arm 1939-03-08 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - Gas Mask Drill 1939-03-15 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - After Czech Invasion 1939-08-27 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - Czech Ambassador in London on Poland Situation 1939-08-31 (0016) - Historical Recordings - Reports on German Point Plan 1939-09-01 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - Evacuation of London 1939-09-01 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - On the War Looming Before Poland 1939-09-01 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - Reports Further on Evacuation 1939-09-01 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - Reports on Evacuation of Children 1939-09-01 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - Reports the Invasion of Poland 1939-09-01 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - Reports Train Now Leaving 1939-09-03 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - Addresses the Nation (Excerpts 1) 1939-09-03 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - Addresses the Nation (Excerpts 2) 1939-09-03 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - Britain Declares War on Germany 1939-09-03 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - Declares War on Germany 1939-09-03 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - Places of Entertainment to Be Closed 1939-09-03 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - Prime Minister Chamberlain's Declaration of War 1939-09-10 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - Evacuee Message to Parents 1939-10-13 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - Princess Elizabeth Aged 14 1939-10-15 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - (Bbc Richard Dimbleby) By a French Road 1939-11-11 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - (Bbc Queen Elizabeth) Fortitude of Women 1939-12-18 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - (Bbc Churchill) Sinking of Graff Spee 1939-12-18 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - Sinking of the Graf Spee, the 1940-01-20 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - House of Many Mansions 1940-02-23 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - Navy Is Here, the 1940-02-27 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - Bbc-Lordhawhaw-William Joyce 1940-03-30 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - Sterner War, a 1940-04-09 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - On Invasion of Denmark and Norway 1940-05-08 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - (Ed Murrow) No Confidence Debate 1940-05-10 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - Resigns As Prime Minister 1940-05-13 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - (Bbc Bernard Stubbs) Advance Into Belgium 1940-05-13 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - New Administration, the 1940-05-14 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - (Bbc Charles Gardner) Attempt to Stop German Adv 1940-05-14 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - Anthony Eden, Sec of State for War 1940-05-14 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - German Advance on Antwerp 1940-05-19 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - Churchill's 1st Speech As Pm 1940-05-19 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - First Speech As Prime Minister 1940-05-28 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - On Capitulation of Belgium 1940-05-31 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - (Bbc Bernard Stubbs) Trains Full of Evacuatiea 1940-05-31 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - On Evacuated Troops From Dunkirk 1940-05-31 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - On Evacuated Troops in London 1940-06-04 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - We Shall Never Surrender 1940-06-05 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - On Dunkirk 1940-06-18 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - Churchill's Finest Hour Speech 1940-07-08 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - (Bbc Bill Herbert) Bombing of Caen 1940-07-14 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - On Convoy Attack and Dogfight 1940-07-14 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - Reports More on Dogfight 1940-07-14 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - War of the Unknown Warrior 1940-08-20 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - First Year, the 1940-09-08 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - Londoner on Shelters and the Blitz, a 1940-09-11 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - Crux of the Whole War, the 1940-09-15 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - (Bbc Alvar Liddell) 175 Aircraft Destroyed 1940-09-15 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - Covers Convoy Attack Off Dover 1940-10-05 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings (Bbc) - Robin Duff In Air Raid Shelter 1940-10-15 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - Blitz Emergency Services 1940-10-21 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - Pledge to Free France 1940-10-21 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - To France (En Français, Pt1) 1940-10-21 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - To France (En Français, Pt2) 1940-11-15 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - Coventry Loudspeaker Announcement 1940-11-15 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings (Bbc) - News Report- Very Reverend R T Howard - Church Destroyed In Air Ra... 1940-12-20 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings (Bbc) - Robin Duff Sees London Burning 1940-12-23 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - Address to Italy 1940-12-31 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - Minister for Home Security 1941-01-05 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - Bruce Belfrage 1941-01-10 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - On German Air Attacks 1941-05-24 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - German Announcment Sinking Hms Hood 1941-05-24 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings (Bbc) - German Announcment Sinking Of Hms Hood 1941-05-31 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings (Bbc) - 1st Sea Lord Alexander Sinking Bismark 1941-06-01 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - Clothes Rationing Announcement 1941-06-12 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - Until Victory Is Won 1941-06-16 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - Broadcast to America 1941-06-22 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - Germany Invades Russia 1941-06-22 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings (Bbc) - Churchill On Guttersnipe Invading 1941-06-28 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - Erkennungsmelodie 1941-07-14 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - Urges America to Join the Allies 1941-07-29 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - War Production 1941-08-14 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - Atlantic Charter, the 1941-08-29 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - These Are Great Days 1941-09-05 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings (Bbc) - Frank Phillips 1941-09-08 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings (Bbc) - Alvar Lidell Air Raid On Berlin 1941-09-09 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - Still Masters of Our Fate 1941-10-22 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - No Peace with Hitler 1941-11-07 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - Resolution of the People, the 1941-11-11 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings (Bbc) - Robert Dougall With A Convoy In Atlantic 1941-11-29 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - Address to Harrow School 1941-12-07 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - Flash Upi Bulletin Reports Attack on Pearl Harbor 1941-12-07 (0007) - Historical Recordings - Japanese Attacks in the Pacific 1941-12-07 (0007) - Historical Recordings - Washington Reaction to Pearl Harbor Attack 1941-12-07 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings (Bbc) - Alvar Liddell Japanese Attacks In The Pacific 1941-12-07 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings (Bbc) - Washington Reaction To Pearl Harbor Attack 1941-12-08 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings (Bbc) - News Wilfred Pickles Far East 1941-12-08 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings (Bbc) - War With Japan 1941-12-08 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings (Bbc) - Wilfred Pickles On Far East Attacks 1941-12-26 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings (Bbc) - Churchill In Washington To Congress 1942-08-17 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - Bbc-Freddy Grisewood on Saving Fuel 1942-11-01 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings (Bbc) - Godfrey Talbot - Watches Tanks At Night At E 1942-11-04 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - Bbc-Bruce Belfrage with Excellent News 1942-12-19 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings (Bbc) - Godfrey Talbot - Christmas With 8th Army 1942-12-26 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings (Bbc) - Radio Doctor Advice For Xmas 1943-02-09 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings (Bbc) - Robert Robinson Victory Stalingrad 1943-05-13 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings (Bbc) - Frank Gillard German Surrender N Africa 1943-06-22 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings (Bbc) - Kimmins On Invasion Of Sicily 1943-07-25 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings (Bbc) - Maurice Shillington Mussolini Resigns 1943-08-17 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings (Bbc) - Garry Marsh General Patton(Speech) Enters Messinea 1943-08-22 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings (Bbc) - Frank Gillard Town Band In Lentini 1943-09-03 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings (Bbc) - In A Lancaster Over Berlin 1943-09-03 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings (Bbc) - Mongomery Announces Landings In Italy 1943-10-13 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings (Bbc) - Freddy Grisewood Italy War With Germany 1943-12-06 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings (Bbc) - Freddy Grisewood Great Powers Meeting 1944-01-26 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings (Bbc) - Wynford Vaughn Thomas Anzio 1944-03-26 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings (Bbc) - Churchill On Allied Victories 1944-04-20 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings (Bbc) - Wynford Vaughan Thomas Springtime Anzio 1944-05-17 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings (Bbc) - Godfrey Talbot In Monte Cassino 1944-06-03 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings (Bbc) - Robin Duff On Sealed Ship 1944-06-04 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings (Bbc) - Frank Gillard On Build Up To D-Day 1944-06-05 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - Address on Eve of D-Day 1944-06-05 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - As 1st D-Day Aircraft Takes of 1944-06-05 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - Reports Rome Taken by Allies 1944-06-05 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - With Resistance Messages 1944-06-05 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings (Bbc) - Rome Welcomes The Allies 1944-06-06 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings (Bbc) - Alan Melville Sees Paratroops 1944-06-09 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings (Bbc) - Radio Newsreel 1944-08-26 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings (Bbc) - Charles De Gaulle - Fired On At Cathedral 1945-04-13 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - Commentary on Roosevelt's Death 1945-04-19 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings (Bbc) - Belsen 1945-05-05 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings (Bbc) - Radio Newsreel 1945-05-07 (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - Berlin Has Fallen-Bbc Xxxx-Xx-Xx (0039) - Historical Recordings - Teddy Bear's Picnic Xxxx-Xx-Xx (0059) - Historical Recordings - You're the Top Xxxx-Xx-Xx (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - Girl Tells of Bomb Shelters Xxxx-Xx-Xx (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - Introduces Reichskanzler Hitler Xxxx-Xx-Xx (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - It's That Man Again - Tommy Handley Xxxx-Xx-Xx (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - Lilli Marlene Xxxx-Xx-Xx (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - On National Health Xxxx-Xx-Xx (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings - Roosevelt Bbc Xxxx-Xx-Xx (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings (Bbc) - Documentary - Story Of The Home Front Xxxx-Xx-Xx (Xxxx) - Historical Recordings (Bbc) - Montgomery To Troops El Alemein