Laurel and Hardy Clips
Laurel and Hardy Clips
xx/xx/xx 101 Introduction (1930s)
xx/xx/xx 102 Bells
xx/xx/xx 103 Commence to Dancin'
xx/xx/xx 104 Honolulu Baby
xx/xx/xx 105 Cuckoo Waltz
xx/xx/xx 106 On the Trail of the Lonesome Pine
xx/xx/xx 107 Laurel and Hardy Show - Poultry Market
xx/xx/xx 108 Shine On Harvest Moon
xx/xx/xx 109 TV Theme
xx/xx/xx 110 At the Ball (song)
xx/xx/xx 111 Lazy Moon (song)
xx/xx/xx 112 A Dog Bit Me (1940s)
xx/xx/xx 113 Excerpts and Interviews
xx/xx/xx 114 Me and My Pal - part 1 (1940s)
xx/xx/xx 115 Me and My Pal - part 2 (1940s)
xx/xx/xx 116 Introduction by Lucille Ball (1940s)
xx/xx/xx 117 Wedding Night (1940s)
xx/xx/xx 118 This is Your Life (1954)
xx/xx/xx 119 This is Music Hall (1955)
xx/xx/xx 120 Documentary part 1
xx/xx/xx 121 Documentary part 2
xx/xx/xx 122 Documentary part 3
xx/xx/xx 123 Documentary part 4
xx/xx/xx 124 Documentary part 5
xx/xx/xx 125 Visiting London
xx/xx/xx 126 "Stan" - (A Radio Play) - Stan Laurel tries to tell the dying Oliver Hardy things as yet unsaid.
xx/xx/xx 127 On Tour
Mr Slaters Poultry Market