Great Speeches
33/01/31 Hitler Speech to Germany
39/08/29 The Eve of WWII
39/10/01 Winston Churchill - First month of the war
40/02/27 Lord HawHaw - William Joyce
41/07/03 Joseph Stalin - The German Invasion Continues
41/12/08 FDR - Day of Infamy
43/06/30 Winston Churchill
44/06/06 FDR - D-Day Prayer
45/01/06 FDR - Battle of the Bulge
45/04/xx Hitler's last broadcast
45/05/07 Berlin has fallen
xx/xx/xx Adolf Hitler - Declaration of War Against Allies
xx/xx/xx Adolf Hitler - Intoleranz
xx/xx/xx Adolf Hitler - Polens
xx/xx/xx Adolf Hitler - Preparing the Youth
xx/xx/xx Adolf Hitler - Welcomes Austria into the Reich
xx/xx/xx Gielgud reads Shakespeare's Sonnets
xx/xx/xx Harry S. Truman - The First Atomic Bomb
xx/xx/xx Russian Radio reports on German Invasion
xx/xx/xx Theodore Roosevelt - Social and Industrial Justice
xx/xx/xx Truman Defeats Dewey
xx/xx/xx Winston Churchill - Fight on the Beaches
xx/xx/xx Winston Churchill - Iron Curtain
xx/xx/xx Winston Churchill - Russia Invaded