Ruby, Galactic Gumshoe
The time is the late 21st Century, the planet of Summa Nulla: six moons, one sun, a broad mix of climates and inhabitants. One of these inhabitants is Ruby, Galactic Gumshoe -- a good one. She is hired to find who is manipulating reality. There’s always someone tinkering with the minds of the gullible populous, but here, it’s increasing. Something’s up, and the rat-like humanoid Rodant Kapoor hires Ruby to find out who -- or what -- is behind this.
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F:\Ruby1\ ======== Ruby1 01- Here's A Kiss For You Ruby1 02- Four Tentacles And A Red Fez Ruby1 03- I Guess That s The Spot Ruby1 04- Angel Lips Speaks Ruby1 05- Escape From The Slimeys Ruby1 06- The Digital Circus Ruby1 07- Nicola Tesla Ruby1 08- T J Teru Ruby1 09- The Ancient Nullian City Ruby1 10- We d Better Run, Teru Ruby1 11- The Moles Of Zeeboos Ruby1 12- Moliere, Chief Of The Mole People Ruby1 13- Cosmic Pinball Ruby1 14- Solar Sailing Ruby1 15- Monet The Aurorian Ruby1 16- Casino City Ruby1 17- A Walk With Monet Ruby1 18- Blam Blam The Slimeys Ruby1 19- The Android Sisters, Robots Ruby1 20- So Long Monet Ruby1 21- Onoffon Offonoff Ruby1 22- The Island, The Volcano, The Trap Ruby1 23- Ruby Disarms Ruby1 24- It's Coming From Out There Ruby1 25- The Inflatable City Ruby1 26- Millie's Milk Bar Ruby1 27- Android Sisters-Treasury Wizards Ruby1 28- And Or The Electric 50s Ruby1 29- The Macho Bleepholes Ruby1 30- Ruby And Angel Lips Have A Little Talk Ruby1 31- Teru Tangos With The Moles Ruby1 32- More Mole Puns Ruby1 33- Surfing On Magnetic Waves Ruby1 34- Surf's Out Ruby1 35- Android Sisters-The Bomb Ruby1 36- Hall Of Shadows Ruby1 37- Ruby Meets Moonbeam Ruby1 38- And-Or Falls In Love Ruby1 39- Android Sisters-Whose Nose Ruby1 40- The Lowest Common Denominator Ruby1 41- And-Or Pops The Questions Ruby1 42- Sam The Bardroid Ruby1 43- Teru And The Tookah Talk Ruby1 44- The Tookah Puffs Up And Explodes Ruby1 45- I've Got The Drop On You, Kapoor Ruby1 46- Android Sisters-Electric Sheep Ruby1 47- Teru And Angel Lips Ruby1 48- A-A-A-choo -The Citadel Ruby1 49- Ruby Found At Last Ruby1 50- Too Many Mutants Ruby1 51- Toots Mutant of the Zoot Mutants Ruby1 52- The Android Sisters, Money Ruby1 53- The Voices of the Old Ones Ruby1 54- Lazars Android Works Ruby1 55- How to Activate a Male Android Ruby1 56- The Programmer, Matisse Ruby1 57 - Matisse Talks Ruby1 58- Mother Kapoor and Her Rodent Ruby1 59- Teru Fondly Reminisces Ruby1 60 - Android Sisters Fool Around Ruby1 61- The Nest Ruby1 62- Big Battle with the Slimeys Ruby1 63- Conclusion of the Slimeys Ruby1 64- This Must Be the End Ruby1 65- Teru Ad-Libs the Credits ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Total 0 folder(s); 65 file(s) Total files size: 43 MB; 43098 KB; 44132480 Bytes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^