Stroke of Fate

This NBC alternate history series aired 13 episodes from October 4th to December 27th featuring actors like Ed Begley, Alexander Scourby, Hal Studer and Santos Ortega. The episodes were written by Mort Lewis and George Faulkner, directed by Fred Weihe and announced by Lionel Ricco. Its 30 minutes aired Sunday nights at 8 p.m. Eastern time. Each episode had an alternate history point of divergence and dramatized the results of that change. What if....
53/10/04 1 Robert E Lee had chosen to lead the union troops? 53/10/11 2 Robert Devereux ,2nd Earl of Essex, succeeded in overthrowing Elizabeth I of England? 53/10/18 3 Hamilton Kills Burr in Duel? 53/10/25 4 Marie Antoinette Had Escaped Death by the Guillotine? 53/11/01 5 A Young Abraham Lincoln Had Secured the Job He Wanted In 1841, Consular Service? 53/11/08 6 Benedict Arnold's Plot to Betray America Had Succeeded? 53/11/15 7 Julius Caesar Had Wed Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt? 53/11/22 8 France Supressed Germany's Rhineland Invasion? 53/11/29 9 The Battle of Quebec was Won by Canada? 53/12/06 10 Alaska was Not Sold to the Us by Russia? 53/12/13 11 Alexander the Great Did Not Die at Age 32? 53/12/20 12 Sub Warfare Defeated the British in the Revolutionary War? 53/12/27 13 The Normans Conquered England?